
Digital Companion for Smarter Screen Use

Your Screen, Your Moment

Put digital distractions on hold; a smart timer that stops with device interaction

Start Your Session

Session Goal

Built to keep you off your screen

👉🏿 If you are reading this, one of the below is likely true:

😴You need to rest and take a break from screentime
✍️You need to focus, but keep checking your screen
📱You end up scrolling when you shouldn't
🥱You should be on break but you're on the computer

Your Ally in Digital Balance.

⬇️ How NothingTimer Works:

Set Timer and effects: Enter your session time, session goal, opt for optional alarm and white noise features, and hit "Start Session".
Prepare for the moment: Step back from your device and leave your screen on.
Timer Screen Begins: A relaxing timer screen with words of encouragement, and white noise (if selected) will stay on until the time ends.
Keep your device to the side: Any device interaction (mouse movement, keyboard, or screen touch) ends the timer.
Celebrate Success: Reach the end and we will celebrate with you!

💡When you might find NothingTimer helpful:

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Focus Sessions: Enhance your study or work productivity by keeping distractions at bay and maintaining focus on non-digital tasks.

Meditation Time: Dedicate time to mindfulness and meditation, fostering mental clarity without digital interruptions.

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Work or Study Breaks: Schedule regular, distraction-free breaks from work or study to rejuvenate and maintain peak cognitive performance.

Creative Work: Foster a zone of uninterrupted creativity, helping you to stay deeply engaged and in flow with your artistic or creative projects.

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Enjoy NothingTimer? Have feedback?

I built NothingTimer to help people stay off their screens and on track with what matters. It is in its early stages, and your feedback about what you like, or what you see as an opportunity for improvement is appreciated.

🎁Provide feedback